Hehmeyer is a new and upcoming market maker in digital assets. They are helping individuals and institutions to buy and sell cryptocurrency in a way that is reliable, transparent, efficient, and competitive.

Yvette’s Total Fitness
Yvette’s Total Fitness and a fitness studio in Garner, Iowa. Yvette is a certified fitness instructor who also has a fitness youtube channel to get people to start moving and living a healthier lifestyle. We design and developed a member-based video library for her audience. Just in time for COVID quarantine since we couldn’t go to the gym anyways!

This is the biggest and longest project I got a chance to a part of. CHI311 app was for the city of Chicago to submit a service request to the city, but not only that we have added more functionalities since launched. You can find your nearest CTA, post office, library with their contact information and direction. You can also follow other people’s service request status. I was in both the design and development team and got a chance to do some features in React Native on my own.
This project is done while working for Catalyst Consulting Group

311 Portal
311 Community Portal was created along side with CHI311 Mobile app, this was a big process from figuring out the requirement, branding, design, and development. This is the first time using CRM for me. The community portal is created in Saleforce Community Builder, my team and I created a custom theme for 311 and created each component in Salesforce Lighting Component.

Catalyst Consulting Group
While working at Catalyst Consulting Group, I had an opportunity to be the business development team and got a chance to be a part of recreating CCG brand guidelines and the new website. Though I did not design this website myself, I worked with another amazing designer and built a new custom WordPress theme for them that works better and easy to use so that anyone on the business development team can jump on it at any time.

theTap was also an internal project for Shift Interactive. This was a webview tvOs app to show the current events at the office, everything from Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, birthday, anniversary, and the current beers on tap at Shift bar! Oh and don’t forget the notice alert for ice cream truck downstair!

AIA Iowa Architecture was looking to refresh their old site. Their website is to show off awarded projects across Iowa state and also a place for architect members to submit their projects to be posted and reviewed by the public. AIA had a brand guideline to be followed, so the designing process was quite fast and smooth. It was a fun project to work on with amazing photographs to work with. Development was a challenge because it requires me to learn a new CMS system, modeX, but it did not take long to get used to.

Ramco Innovations is an automation distributor based in West Des Moines, IA. They gave me an opportunity to completely revamp their e-commerce site, the only 2 things we got to start with was their logo and their signature blue.
This project was done while working for Shift Interactive

Pika Director was designed for internal use at Shift Interactive to collect all information of each project they have done including who was on the projects and which technologies they decided to use. Also shows each team members’ specialty to make it easier to assign their next project

Daiso was a branding design done as a project at Drake University.
Daiso translates to ‘large creation’ which the company itself carries a variety of goods imported from Japan. I decided to base the logo on Japanese traditional drawing of waves and sea.

Infographic for Teavana done at Drake University. I wanted to experiment with this project and make it feel more natural, so I decided to hand-drawn every element of this infographic.